• LU 420 Mechanical Equipment Service Apprentice (MESA) Evaluation Form

    Help the LU 420 training school to​ improve their program by submitting an apprentice evaluation form. It is requested that you submit a form once a period and/or at the point of a layoff or termination.

    This form is to be completed by someone with daily knowledge of the apprentice and his or her work habits.
    Category 1
    Can be depended on to attend work regularly.
    Reports to work and returns from lunch/breaks in a timely manner.
    Is well groomed and wears clean, appropriate work clothing.
    Category 2
    Shows a serious commitment to learning and a responsibility to the employer.
    Shows a willingness to give a good day's work.
    Communicates effectively with co-workers, superiors, and customers.
    Self motivated and attempts to take the next step without having to be told.
    Category 3
    Work Vehicle Care
    Takes care of and maintains the work vehicle.
    PPE, Tool, & Equipment Care
    Takes care of and maintains the tools and equipment.
    General Safety
    Demonstrates safe work procedures.
    Category 4
    Probability of Success
    Considering the period level, rate the apprentice's overall probability to succeed in the industry.
    Regarding this evaluation, check those which apply *
    Regarding improvement goals, check those which apply *
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